Alliances and Betrayals in The Running Grave
Listen to Robert discuss alliances and/or betrayals amongst the characters in The Running Grave.
So the agency, generally speaking, has a bit of a problem with the sixth detective. So we have five permanent detectives at the moment and then they have a new sixth person. Having lost Nutley in the last book, they now have Little John. And Little John is not someone everyone takes to immediately, put it that way. One of the things that I really enjoyed writing in this book, I think watching Strike manage this agency without Robin around was fun to write because Robin, generally speaking, does supply a bit of emotional intelligence and balance. Not Strike’s forte. But he’s ex-military, you know. He’s used to sort of telling people to do stuff and that’s it, it’s done.
And the other person I really love writing is Pat, the office manager. And for Pat fans, and I know there are Pat fans out there because I’ve spoken to them. Pat fans will, I think, really enjoy this book and I can’t say any more than that. But Pat reveals some unexpected aspects of her character in this book.