Character Guide – Lethal White
Jasper Chiswell
A bullish and entitled MP who comes from a wealthy family. His country estate in Oxfordshire has fallen into disrepair as he is increasingly short of money. He’s currently married to Kinvara, and has four children by other women: Freddie (deceased), Izzy, Fizzy, and Raphael.

Kinvara Chiswell
Jasper’s most recent (and much younger) wife. Kinvara loves horses and has stables at the Oxfordshire estate. Her marriage to Jasper has been rocky.

Izzy Chiswell
Jasper’s daughter. Real name Isabella, she also has a sister (real name Sophia) affectionately dubbed ‘Fizzy’. Unlike her sister, who has a husband and three children, Isabella lives alone – and works for her father in his Westminster office.

Raphael Chiswell
Jasper’s son, and a half-brother to Freddie (deceased), Izzy and Fizzy. Raphael is significantly younger than his brother and sisters – and has had a turbulent few years. He went to prison for a hit and run when he was under the influence of drugs.

Della Winn
An MP, who also runs a successful charity for disabled athletes. Originally from Wales, Della has an impressive and decorated career, and is married to Geraint Winn.

Geraint Winn
Also, from Wales, and husband to Della Winn, Geraint runs his wife’s Westminster office, not too far from Jasper Chiswell’s office. Given Della’s visual impairment, Geraint also helps his wife with daily tasks.

Aamir Mallik
An assistant in Della Winn’s Westminster office, working with Geraint Winn. Aamir has a history with the Foreign Office, and doesn’t take kindly to entitled, Westminster types.

Jimmy Knight
Jimmy is a passionate and sometimes intimidating activist; running an organisation called ‘C.O.R.E’. He has a younger brother called Billy, and is currently dating Flick Purdue.

Billy Knight
Jimmy’s younger brother, with a skill for wood carving. Billy suffers with his mental illness – but despite fearing the consequences, he is determined to do the right thing.

Flick Purdue
Jimmy’s girlfriend, and also part of his activist organisation – ‘C.O.R.E’. She works in a Camden jewellery shop, and is disillusioned with the system.

Lorelei Bevan
Lorelei is in a relationship with Strike. She runs a successful vintage clothing shop, and likes to dress in jewel-bright colours, affecting the style of a 1940s pin-up. She’s also a brilliant cook.

Henry Drummond
The owner of an art gallery often frequented by the Chiswells. Henry is an old friend of the family. As a favour to Jasper, Henry has recently given Raphael a job at the gallery.