Robin’s Challenges in The Running Grave
Listen to Robert share some of the dangers that Robin encounters when she first infiltrates the cult in the latest novel, The Running Grave.
So Robin volunteers for the job of going under cover in this cult. She is successfully recruited at the London temple and then sent to what is, obviously the church doesn’t call it this, but what is the number one indoctrination centre which is deep in the countryside in Norfolk. We’ve seen her go under cover before, we’ve seen her adopt a fake name, wear wigs and so on, this is full time. This is 24 hours a day. She has to be, inhabit this persona that she’s built up. This is a cult that has very successfully defended itself against any kind of legal challenge.
There are parallels with real life cults there. This cult has successfully indoctrinated people so that even if they managed to break free they are very frightened about talking to the press and so on. So I can’t reveal too much but obviously this is a very, very, very, high pressure situation. And, as often happens with these kinds of cults, you are kept underfed, under slept and you’re subject to an enormous emotional pressure. So Robin faces all of those things, plus the constant danger that people will realise she’s not who she says she is. Because she is posing as a wealthy young woman whose marriage has been called off, so she’s posing as a woman who is really looking for something to fill that emotional hole. And, yeah, she’s got to sustain that over a few months.