Robin’s Relationships
Listen to Robert expand on Robin’s relationship with Ryan Murphy in The Running Grave.
As readers of the previous book will know, Robin has been in a state of some emotional confusion. She admitted to herself that she was in love with Strike and then did her damedest to fall out of love with Strike because she just does not see that as a viable situation and he’s also not really made himself into the most attractive long-term prospect, has he? He’s, you know, pretty secretive about his sex life. She finds things out second hand.
And in the spirit of I need to move on she said yes to a date with a man who is supremely eligible, you know. He’s a CID officer, he understands that aspect of her life. He’s charming, he’s kind. What’s not to love? And, yeah, there relationship has clearly been going from strength to strength. We see them together in the very first chapter and it’s clearly working well. And, as I say, Strike is absolutely hating that. But many would say that’s his own fault and I would be one of them. So what’s it giving her? I think it’s giving her something she’s actually never had before. She’s having a relationship with a man who is not constantly telling her she’s in the wrong job.
Who’s not harking back constantly to things that happened to her previously, who is letting Robin be Robin. And that is a very new experience.