Meet the Characters
Cormoran Strike and his partner Robin Ellacott are alike in many ways, but also couldn’t be more different; whether its their upbringings or their personalities, or even their outlook on life; but together they work as a seamless partnership; like most other successful crime-solving duos throughout history.

Cormoran Strike
Born in 1974 in Cornwall, everything in Cormoran Strike’s life has led to him being the incredible Private Investigator that he becomes. After a wildly unconventional upbringing, and a successful career in the army, he amasses the skills he needs to identify and understand the nuances of people, vital for detective work, and opens his own agency in London.

Robin Ellacott
Yorkshire born and raised, but moving to London with her ambitious, long term boyfriend, Matthew, Robin Ellacott first meets Cormoran Strike as a temp at his Detective agency. With a longstanding passion for psychology, Robin is immediately captivated by the work of the agency, displaying initiative and a natural talent for detective work, quickly proving her value as more than the temp job for which she was initially employed.
Strike Character Guide

Matthew Cunliffe
Both born and raised in Masham, Matthew and Robin became boyfriend and girlfriend in Sixth Form at school, because he tells Strike ‘she was the only girl with any brains who was fanciable’ (The Silkworm). They stayed together throughout university, and he was kind and supportive after the attack which ended Robin’s university career, then […]

Charlotte Campbell
His friends and family had viewed Charlotte with everything from mistrust to loathing, while hers had always considered Strike, the illegitimate son of an infamous rockstar, as one more manifestation of Charlotte’s need to shock and rebel. Lethal White, Robert Galbraith We first meet Charlotte after a blazing row with Strike in his Denmark Street […]

Nick and Ilsa Herbert
Nick Herbert is a gastroenterologist, Spurs fan, son of a taxi driver and a friend of Strike’s since they went to the same rough comprehensive in Hackney. He met his wife Ilsa at his and Strike’s joint 18th birthday party at the Bell in Whitechapel, and their attraction was immediate and profound. Ilsa, bespectacled and […]

Sam Barclay
Glaswegian former soldier with a wife and young child who Strike investigated during his time as a Red Cap. Hired at the beginning of the Chiswell investigations (Lethal White) and looks like an affable owl. Good at undercover work, perceptive about colleagues and clients and hardworking. Frank, with a laconic sense of humour.

Pat Chauncey
Heavy smoking, raspy-voiced office manager hired before Bamborough case begins (Troubled Blood). Initially suspicious of Strike, who reminds her of her ex-husband, she is now a loyal member of the team. She saves Strike’s life from a bomb (The Ink Black Heart) and provides a safe house during the investigations into Jonathan Wace (The Running […]

Michelle ‘Midge’ Greenstreet
Known as Midge. Ex-police Mancunian hired as the investigations into disappearance of Margot Bamborough conclude (Troubled Blood) on recommendation of policewoman Vanessa Ekwensi. Extremely fit, outspoken, and capable, she moved to London after a bad break-up. Becomes close to one of the agency clients during the investigations into Jonathan Wace (The Running Grave).

Andy Hutchins
Ex-policeman, hired on Eric Wardle’s recommendation as agency begins to grow (Lethal White). Invited with his wife to Robin and Matthew’s housewarming in Deptford. Methodical and patient, and popular at the agency, he has to stop work as his multiple sclerosis worsens and increasingly interferes with his ability to work (The Ink Black Heart).

Clive Littlejohn
Like Strike, a former member of the Special Investigations Branch of the Royal Military Police. Very quiet, large and square, with heavy-lidded eyes, but conscientious and reliable. Disliked by his fellow subcontractors and office manager Pat and even Strike and Robin begin to find his extreme taciturnity disturbing (The Running Grave).

Saul Morris
Undeniably handsome, dark-haired ex-police officer, going through a divorce, hired as investigations into disappearance of Margot Bamborough begin (Troubled Blood). Has a line in arch asides and over-personal comments which set Robin’s teeth on edge. His time at the agency ends abruptly after Robin accidentally breaks his nose and Strike, hearing why, fires him on […]

Stewart Nutley
Gap-toothed, mouse-haired, cocky ex-Red Cap and inadequate subcontractor who Strike hires in period after Robin’s wedding, and fires when he runs into the back of a cab he was supposed to be tailing (Lethal White). Strike is forced to temporarily re-hire him while searching for Edie Ledwell’s killer (The Ink Black Heart). Careless and unpopular.

Dev Shah
Ex-police, who used to work for rival firm, Patterson Inc, but left because he was ‘tired of workings for c***s’. Hired at start of the Ledwell case (The Ink Black Heart). Married, with one child. Team-player, methodical with a dry sense of humour. Also good-looking, principled and very talented at undercover work.

Richard Anstis
Competent but unimaginative policeman whose life Strike saved in Afghanistan who calls Strike Mystic Bob. Involves himself in Owen Quine case and arrests Quine’s wife, much to Strike’s irritation which leads to a cooling in their friendship. Heavily scarred, married to Helen and living in Greenwich. Strike is a reluctant godfather to his son and […]

Roy Carver
Paunchy, mottle-faced and aggressive Detective Inspector in charge of botched investigation into death of Lula Landry (The Cuckoo’s Calling). Later ignores and questions Strike during the Shacklewell Ripper case (Career of Evil). Has been forced into retirement by the time the agency is investigating Jonathan Wace and blames Strike (The Running Grave). Friend of Mitch […]

Vanessa Ekwensi
Tall, elegant policewoman, now friends with Robin’s after they met on the Shacklewell Ripper case (Career of Evil), after bonding over cinema trips and cheap shared meals. Gets her boyfriend, now fiancé, Oliver, who works in forensics to exchange information during Chiswell case (Lethal White) and recommends Midge as a subcontractor. Also gives Robin a […]

Graham Hardacre
An amiable-looking investigator, with a sharp brain, Hardacre is a serving S.I.B. officer and former colleague of Strike’s, who calls him Oggy. He gives Strike vital information on the Lula Landry case (The Cuckoo’s Calling), and offers crucial, unofficial help during Strike’s search for the killer who sent a severed leg to the Denmark Street […]

Ryan Murphy
Attractive C.I.D. officer who interviews Robin about her meeting with Edie Ledwell, and subsequently asks her out (The Ink Black Heart). By the time investigations into the Universal Humanitarian church begin, they have been together eight months. Ryan is popular with office manager Pat, and Robin’s parents, but he is an alcoholic with a failed […]

Eric Wardle
Boyishly handsome Detective Sergeant who becomes Strike’s source on Lula Landry case (The Cuckoo’s Calling). Later, a Detective Inspector during Shacklewell Ripper case (Career of Evil). After becoming friendly with Strike, his wife, April, introduces Strike to Coco and Strike meets his girlfriend Lorelei at Wardle’s birthday party (Lethal White). Now Strike’s preferred contact in […]

Dominic Culpepper
Journalist who Strike dislikes, but to whom he offers a story on the day Leonora Quine appears in his office. His cousin, Nina Lascelles, helps Strike steal a copy of Owen’s explosive novel, Bombyx Mori (The Silkworm). Some years later, Dominic, now married, is accused of using his lover to source scurrilous stories about her […]

Prudence Donleavy
Strike’s half-sister. Daughter of Jonny Rokeby and actress Lindsey Fanthorpe. Therapist with a large house and successful practice in Strawberry Hill. Strike gets to know her between investigations into the killer of Edie Ledwell (The Ink Black Heart), and the Universal Humanitarian Church (The Running Grave). She lends Robin expensive clothes for her undercover work, […]

Dave Polworth
Strike’s oldest friend from nursery school in Cornwall. Now lives in St Mawes with his wife Penny and their daughters. Cornish nationalist, of great help to Strike and Lucy when their Aunt Joan is ill (Troubled Blood), as well as assisting Strike in other cases (The Silkworm). Was bitten by a shark while on holiday […]

Max Priestwood
Ruggedly handsome actor who rents a room in his flat to Robin as her divorce unfolds. After a period of unemployment, he gets a job playing a detective and invites Strike to dinner for research. He’s also a great cook and has a friendly dachshund called Wolfgang. He had a difficult break-up before Robin moves […]

Alexander Rokeby
Strike’s half-brother. Son of Jonny Rokeby and his third wife, film producer Jenny Graham. Known as Al. The only sibling who visited Strike in hospital after he lost his leg, he tries to keep a friendly relationship. Happy to help Strike when he can with his connections, getting him into The River Café and The […]

Jago Ross
Honourable James ‘Jago’ Murdo Alastair Fleming Ross, violent and vulpine, heir to the Viscountcy of Croy, merchant banker. Former boyfriend of Charlotte Campbell to whom she gets engaged two weeks after she splits from Strike despite his reputation for violence and alcoholism. Later Viscount Croy and father of Charlotte’s twins (Troubled Blood). Their messy divorce […]

Sarah Shadlock
White-blonde, flirtatious university friend of Matthew’s who often tries to make Matthew jealous ‘shit-stirring’ about Strike, and Robin’s job while Robin and Matthew are together. Works at the auction house, Christie’s, and is engaged to another university friend, Tom, who she and Matt tease about his baldness. Robin learns she had an affair with Matt […]

Shanker, gaunt and tattooed, was taken in by Leda as a teenager after a street fight and was devoted to her. A semi-stepbrother to Strike, who he calls ‘Bunsen’, he supplies key assistance and intel on London’s underworld, which Strike trades for information from the police, for a price. Living with Alyssa, who he met […]

Pallid, straggly-haired computer expert and brother of Nick Herbert who helps Strike during the Lula Landry case (The Cuckoo’s Calling) and calls Strike Federico. Better paid than his clothes suggest. Also makes a fake website for Robin, who he fancies, when she goes undercover during the investigations into Edie Ledwell’s death (The Ink Black Heart).

Linda Ellacott
Mother of Robin and her three brothers. Lives in Masham, North Yorkshire. Keen on literature, concerned about the dangers of Robin’s work and suspicious of Strike. She likes Robin’s new boyfriend Ryan Murphy and is grateful for his support while Robin is undercover with the Universal Humanitarian Church (The Running Grave).

Michael Ellacott
Robin’s father, mild looking and professorial. After his brother inherited the family farm, where Robin practiced her driving skills, Michael became an expert on sheep. Proud of Robin, though he shares his wife’s concerns about her chosen career and her boss.

Stephen Ellacott
Robin’s older brother, large with bristling brows. Married to Jenny. Regrets teasing Robin when she wanted to be a detective as a child, and notes she is better at standing up for herself since she started working with Strike. Father of Annabel, Robin’s first nibling born during the Bamborough investigations (Troubled Blood).

Martin Ellacott
A year younger than Robin, the Ellacott’s impetuous problem child, who punches Matthew during their wedding (Lethal White). After returning from her undercover work, Robin learns his new girlfriend, Carmen, is pregnant and he is training to be a long-distance lorry driver (The Running Grave).

Jonathan Ellacott
Robin’s youngest brother who comes and stays with her at her house share with Max while in his final year at university in Manchester (Troubled Blood). Tall and slender, with strawberry blonde hair like his sister.

Ted Nancarrow
Leda Strike’s brother. Ex-Red Cap and former lifeguard. Born in St Mawes and returned there after leaving the army. Married to Joan. Regularly took in Strike and Lucy as they grew up, and became the model of manhood to which Strike aspired. Supported Strike’s decision to leave university and join the military after Leda’s death.

Joan Nancarrow
Leda Strike’s sister-in-law, from St Mawes like her husband, Ted, who regularly took care of Strike and Lucy during their childhood. Mother figure to Lucy, and source of both stability, love and sometimes suffocation for Strike. He spends extended periods with her during the Bamborough investigation after her diagnosis of terminal cancer. Her ashes are […]

Jonny Rokeby
Jonny is Strike’s biological father, a world-famous musician and multimillionaire who never wanted anything to do with his son by supergroupie Leda Strike had to be forced into accepting paternity with a DNA test. Born 1st August 1948, Jonny is the lead singer of legendary rock group The Deadbeats, who shot to fame in the […]

Leda Strike
Legendary ‘supergroupie’ Leda Strike was Cormoran Strike’s mother. Born in St Mawes, a place she found suffocating, she briefly married a fairground worker called Strike at eighteen, leaving him again after a fortnight. She then lived a precarious life with a succession of boyfriends in squats, and house shares around London. Her favourite band was […]

Daughter of Leda Strike and rock musician Rick Fantoni, Lucy is the only sibling Strike grew up with till at fourteen she went to live permanently with their uncle and aunt, Ted and Joan Nancarrow. Two years younger than Strike, she now lives a life of conventional respectability in Bromley with her husband, a quantity […]

Mitch Patterson
Unscrupulous head of rival agency and ex-Met. Accosts Robin when she is undercover and watches the agency (Lethal White). Has a nasty sideline in using his agency to pursue personal grudges according to Dev Shah. Was working for Sir Colin Edensor (The Running Grave) but handled it badly. Loathed by and loathes Strike, and friend […]